Prayers of the People
For places of conflict around the world: for strength, hope, perseverance, and protection; for liberation from violence and oppression; for the end of war and the laying down of weapons.
For the Sick and Those in Need
Also for +Jane Elwell, +Keith Jones, +Heip Pham, Jane Eberhart, Jessie Rockingham, Hugh Nichols, Joan Nichols, Tom Newcomb, Andrew Maloney, Gretchen Maloney, Ronald Adams, Jennifer Wiggins, Richard Bragg, Ja’Kye Epps, Susan Owens, Anne Derbyshire, Leia Kline Furlong, Alfredo Garcia, Jennifer Kelly, David Crampton, Ann Miller, Cathy Ewald, Gary, Ann Sheffield, Henry Webster, Julie, Greg Maske, Renée Huskey Chandler, Belinda Duke, Tom Massie, Keith, Melissa Coleman, Marti Lee, Cameron, Troy Samuels, Joe Chandler, Raymond, Peter Doyle, Richard Johnson, Comer Meadows Immel; Mike Baggett, Anderson Chambers, Allison, Darrell Reese and family, Lisa Parrette, Julia Jones, Will Stokes, Sara, Bertice Berry, Judy Walters, The Reverend Peter W. Fleming, Ty, Pierce, Kathy Wood, Carole Whitfield, Otto Immel, Margaret Cobb, Abby Schoen, Bobby Purcell, Renée Garber, Paul, James, Rose, Sam Varnedoe, Taylor Summerell, The residents and staff at Riverview.
For the Birthdays of Will Young, Rod Davis, Morgan Kuhn, Virginia Maxwell, Julia Mikell, Bill Wallace, Don Furtado, Kev Jackson Jr., Hanks Young, Pam Benton, Margaret Northup, Alice Edwards, Holley Helfrich, Polly Webster, John Skeadas III, Jerry Reeves IV, Sandy Yarger, John Rilee, Daniela Bringman, Brooke Stone, Finn Taylor, Bob Vouk, Carol Jennings, Lynn Harrison, Rosemary Mackey, Monica Sliva, Jeff Whitlow, Clare Ellis, Vera Zajac, Kate Bailey, Jamie Lindley, Kim Lutz, Florence Slatinsky, David Crampton, Kristen Stovall, Mercy Wright, Joey Stolba, Serenity Lewis, Susan Huennekens
For the Wedding Anniversaries of Casey and Ronald Martinez, Stephen and Clayton Gagne-Thomas
For those who have died and the comfort of their families: +Alden Morris Maier, +Anna Simmons, +Mary Barton, +Paula Aleman, +Don Moore, +Alan Stahl, Nell Varnadoe, Celia Jones, Michael McCachran, Becky Barlow, Shirley A. Emile
Prayer Requests
For prayer requests, please contact our clergy. You may also contact our prayer list coordinator, Erin Waterman, by phone 203.856.6361 or email at
+ Indicates new prayer request