Music at Christ Church

Music is a vital expression of our worship at Christ Church. It has played an important role in the life of the church since The Reverend John Wesley (rector, 1736–1737) published one of the first English-language hymnals in America at Christ Church in 1737. The Reverend Dr. F. Bland Tucker (rector, 1945–1967) served on the committees for both The Hymnal 1940 and our current hymnal, The Hymnal 1982. He also authored many hymns that are published in both editions.

Music is an essential part of worship at Christ Church. Through the great hymns of the Church, choral anthems offered by our many choirs, to services of Evensong and Compline that are hallmarks of the Episcopal tradition, God’s gift of music enriches nearly every aspect of worship life at Christ Church.

The musical traditions of the Episcopal Church are as diverse as its members, and Christ Church musicians share a commitment to offering music by composers of under-represented and diverse backgrounds.

The Tricentennial Organ

We are in the midst of a three-year project to renovate our historic Harrison & Harrison pipe organ.

The Organ

The organ at Christ Church plays a central role in the congregation's communal worship life. The present instrument comprises 50 stops and 61 ranks.

The Choirs

Our many choirs offer musical leadership at the 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist and during special services throughout the year.

The Chorister Program

This unique program gives children in 3rd through 12th grade the opportunity to learn music and instills a lifelong love of singing and the church.


Concerts at Christ Church seeks to bring world-class music to the heart of downtown Savannah at no charge to the broader community.

Friends of Music

Christ Church Friends of Music supports concerts and other musical offerings at the church that go above and beyond the regular liturgical fabric of our parish.

O God, whom saints and angels delight to worship in heaven: Be ever present with your servants who seek through art and music to perfect the praises offered by your people on earth; and grant to them even now glimpses of your beauty, and make them worthy at length to behold it unveiled for evermore; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
— A Collect for Church Musicians and Artists, The Book of Common Prayer