
Ever wonder how your name tag gets in place each week or how your bulletin gets folded? The answer is a ministry volunteer! From designing flowers for the altar to planning a Founders’ Day celebration, Christ Church members offer a variety of gifts. To connect with the coordinator of any of these ministries, contact Suzanne Philips Smith.


Youth and children in grades 3 to 12 assist in our 10:30 a.m. worship services. Each acolyte serves approximately once every six weeks as a part of an assigned team, and training is offered to new volunteers. Adult volunteers periodically organize the acolyte albs and clean them, either by washing them at home or taking them to the dry cleaner.

Administrative Volunteers

These volunteers assist on Thursdays with office tasks such as bulletin assembly or preparation of special mailings.

Children’s Chapel

During the 10:30 a.m. service, children from Pre-K to 5th enjoy an interactive Gospel activity, prayers, service projects, and music. Volunteers typically serve once every six weeks as either a leader or a helper. Middle and high school youth may serve as helpers.


Docents enable us to open our historic church on a daily basis for visitors. A detailed information booklet is provided, so no advance knowledge is required. Docents serve from 10 a.m. –12 p.m. The parish also receives requests for weekday tours from various groups, including those interested in architecture, John Wesley’s service at Christ Church, Juliette Gordon Low, and the Episcopal Church in general. Tour guides meet these groups, provide historical information about the church and escort them through the building. Training is provided.

Finance Count Team

These volunteers count cash received at services and prepare deposits for processing. Typically, volunteers serve once every four to five weeks.

Flower Guild

The flower guild is led by monthly coordinators. Under the guidance of a lead arranger, a team of volunteers prepares flower arrangements for Sunday and special services. Typically volunteers meet on Saturday morning to prepare for the next day. Each flower guild member serves once or twice each quarter. Experience is not required; training is provided.

Hospitality Ministry

Volunteers assist with special church gatherings that occur throughout the year.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

These individuals assist the clergy by serving wine from chalices at the Holy Eucharist. LEMs serve approximately once per month. Training is provided.


Volunteers read the Scripture lessons at 10:30 a.m. services on a rotating basis. Adults and youth in grades 5 and up are welcome to serve as lectors. Lectors also assist in leading the Prayers of the People. Training is offered as needed.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

This ministry lovingly crafts prayer shawls for congregants in need.

Sunday Morning Receptions

These volunteers set out refreshments, keep platters and pitchers filled, and move items to the kitchen after the Sunday morning receptions. Volunteers set up prior to the service and assist during the receptions.


Christ Church enjoys ushers of all ages: children, youth, and adults. Each Sunday and at special services, ushers greet and welcome members and visitors, distribute service leaflets, and assist with seating and special needs. Captains assign duties each Sunday, and ushers typically serve three or four times each quarter.

Wedding Team

A member of this team assists a wedding party at both the wedding rehearsal and the ceremony. In the recent past, Christ Church has held six to eight weddings per year. Weddings are generally scheduled far in advance, so early notice of the date is given to the team and volunteers sign up based upon their availability.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the church and its sacred communion vessels for services. Members install seasonal hangings, set the credence table for celebration of the Holy Eucharist at all services, and order supplies for the altar and communion. Members sign up for the dates they prefer, and typically serve three times each quarter.