The Tricentennial Organ

On February 12, 2023, Christ Church celebrated the 290th anniversary of its founding, a milestone few institutions in the United States can claim. As we approach our tricentennial celebration, we are called to do our part to strengthen this community and set it on a path to success for all who come after us.

Our current generation, rooted in the faithful work of those who have gone before us, is being called to sow the seeds for future generations.
— Christ Church 2022 Strategic Plan

The current pipe organ in the gallery of Christ Church is nearing the end of its 52-year lifespan. Weather ingress and deferred maintenance have taken their toll, leaving some ranks riddled with broken pipes and dead notes.

In January of 2024, The Christ Church Vestry approved signing a contract with the esteemed organ building firm Harrison & Harrison for the complete renovation of the organ. The new instrument will keep the historic wooden organ case intact and preserve a small number of pedal pipes. Harrison & Harrison’s new design represents a fresh tonal start for the organ, focusing much more on a broad range of warm, colorful fundamental stops. The organ, rebuilt to the highest mechanical and musical standards, will be the heart of the musical life of the church, strengthen our connection to our Episcopal tradition, and be a landmark for arts and cultural events in the heart of downtown Savannah.

Harrison & Harrison

Established in 1861, Harrison & Harrison enjoys a long tradition of excellence in organ building. The firm has been based in Durham, United Kingdom, since 1872. Notable organs built by Harrison & Harrison include those at Westminster Abbey and King’s College Chapel in Cambridge. The company prides itself on its “meticulous standards of design and construction.”

The Tricentennial Organ
by the Numbers

3 manuals
39 ranks
42 stops
2,340 pipes

Fundraising goal: $3 million

Funds pledged to date: $2.1 million

J. S. Bach Circle | $200k+

Victor Andrews

Jerry & Margaret Miller

Cornerstone Donors

Many thanks to all those who have already pledged to this campaign.

Widor Circle | $100k-$199k

Litch Carpenter & Wash Dender

The Critz Family

Alice & Steve Edwards

Cathy & Jay Howington

Leslie Littlejohn

Paul Reddick

Jim & Erin Waterman

Byrd Circle | $50k-$99k

Stephanie & Jim Lindley

Rosemary Wiggins Mackey
In memory of Irwin H. Krakoff, M.D.

Ann Y. Miller
In memory of William A. Miller, M.D.

Frank and Carol Riddick
In memory of John Mykolyk

Tallis Circle | $25k-$49k

Richard A. Beattie

Mills & Marianne Fleming

Mimi S. Jones

Mary E. Raines

Todd Smelser & James Gerhart

Stephen and Jan Smith

Sara & Peter Woodfield

The Summerville Foundation

Vaughan Williams Circle | $10k-$24k

Priscilla Carrington
In memory of Kenneth W. Carrington, M.D.

Billings and John Cay

Mimi Cay

Rebecca Cheatham

Meredith & Reed Dulany
In memory of Susan Strobhar Dulany

Clare and Wiley Ellis

Jane Espy

Charlie and Joseph Frew-Miller

Christopher Hendricks and Brian Martine

Julia Mikell
In memory of Judge Charles Mikell, Jr.

Stephen & Claire Rilee

David & Claudia Seyle

The Sullivan Family

Helen and Michael White

The Brown Foundation