Youth & Children

Christ Church is an intergenerational community, where people of all ages are fully involved in the life of the church. Because baptism is “is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, the church” (BCP, p. 298), there is no such thing as a junior member. Instead, we believe that children, teenagers, and adults all have important gifts and responsibilities that enrich our shared life together.

Nursery (ages 0–4)

We extend a warm welcome to you and your child at Christ Church, and children are always welcome in worship. If you desire childcare for a child age 0–4, we welcome you to the Christ Church Nursery. It is located on the second floor of our Parish House on the corner of Abercorn and Bryan streets (18 Abercorn)(see map, below). An usher can direct you, or you can contact our office for more information. Our nursery is staffed by experienced caregivers who provide a loving and safe environment for little ones. Young children may also attend Children’s Chapel accompanied by a parent. All nursery staff and Children’s Chapel volunteers undergo background checks and receive Safe Church, Safe Communities training.

Children’s Chapel (Pre-K–5th Grade)

During the 10:30 a.m. service, children from Pre-K to 5th grade are invited to process to the undercroft where they enjoy an interactive Gospel activity, prayers, service projects, and music. They return to their families during the Peace and are present for communion.

Worship Volunteers (Pre-K–12th Grade)

Youth and children are active and vital worship leaders each and every Sunday morning. Children and teenagers serve as ushers, lectors, leaders of the Prayers of the People, Children’s Chapel helpers, and acolytes. Sunday morning worship is a vital formation opportunity for kids, just as it is for adults. By experiencing and leading worship, all of us are led to greater love of God and neighbor. If your child or teen is interested in serving during Sunday morning worship, please contact the Rev. Samantha McKean.


Confirmation is a spiritual rite marking one’s decision to make a mature and public affirmation of faith. In confirmation, that person “receives strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop” (BCP, p.860). Confirmations take place at Christ Church every other year, during the bishop’s visitation. Preceding this service, we hold a series of Confirmation classes offered to adolescents in 6th grade and up. This is a unique time in a young person’s life for asking questions, seeking understanding, figuring out what’s important, and claiming one’s faith as one’s own. If you are interested in learning more about confirmation, please contact the Rev. Samantha McKean.

Seasonal Events

Join us throughout the year as we mark various liturgical and life seasons! We hold a Back-to-School blessing at the start of each academic year; an opportunity for Advent-wreath making on the first Sunday of Advent; a Christmas Pageant at 5 p.m. each Christmas Eve; and an Easter egg hunt in Reynolds Square on Easter morning. Subscribe to our newsletter (below) to stay informed of all upcoming events.

Social Events and Service Projects

Throughout the year, middle and high school students engage in various social events and service projects together. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed of all upcoming events.

This unique program gives children in 3rd through 12th grade the opportunity to learn music and instills a lifelong love of singing and the church.

Walking from Christ Church (28 Bull St) to the Parish House (18 Abercorn St)